Founder of HRS communications shares, top tips for eating while during winter lockdown in daily Mirror

11th August 2022
Written by HRS Communications

HRS founder and Registered Dietitian Harriet Smith was recently featured in the Daily Mirror 1 discussing the importance of eating well to stay fit and healthy during winter lockdown.

Though during winter, it can be tempting to stay inside and indulge in comfort food, it’s important to ensure that we take regular exercise and eat healthily in order to support our physical and mental health during these challenging times.

In the article, Harriet advises that “spending more time at home coupled with increased anxiety can make us more likely to reach for foods high in calories, sugar and fat.” She shares with readers her top tips for keeping their diets healthy, which include:

Eat more whole grains (brown rice, wholemeal bread, etc.)

Limit fruit juice or smoothies to no more than 150mls per day

Include lean proteins at most meals (fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and seeds, tofu, pulses, etc.)

Choose heart-healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, oily fish etc). Include oily fish at least once a week

Limit refined sugar/alcohol/ultra-processed foods

Stay hydrated (1.2ltr or 6-8 glasses fluid a day minimum)

Get some daily exercise

The article was sponsored by the Public Health England Better Health campaign, a new national campaign unveiled as part of the government’s new obesity strategy. HRS were delighted to contribute to the campaign, which aims to encourage the population to kickstart their health and reduce their risk of serious illness, including COVID-19.


  1. The Mirror (2021). Easy 20-minute home workout that can keep you healthy during winter lockdown [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11/08/2022].

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