Important Considerations for Nutrition Copywriters

11th August 2022
Written by HRS Communications

Well written copy can do wonders for boosting brand engagement. Nutrition copywriters create interesting, accurate, and easy to read content relating to food, nutrition and dietetics. 

However, there are several important factors that freelance nutrition writers need to think about when creating nutrition content for their brand. In this blog, we’ll take a look at four key considerations for nutrition writers. 

Have a content strategy 

A content strategy takes into consideration your business goals and relevant calendar dates to ensure that any written content is relevant and timely. To produce a content strategy: 

● Define what it is you want to achieve with your content 

● Conduct market research to understand your target audience 

● Run a content audit to understand where previous content has performed well and where there are still areas for optimisation 

● Think about what formats and channels you’re going to use to produce and share your content 

Having a comprehensive content strategy helps to control overall content creation and be responsive to both business and customer needs 

Keep it on brand 

Consider producing brand writing guidelines to share with other freelance nutrition writers, your marketing team, and anyone else who is responsible for creating content for your business. 

Brand guidelines act as an instruction manual on how to communicate your brand. They explain the preferred tone of voice, writing style, sentence structure, use of language, and readability. 

Having clearly communicated brand guidelines ensures consistency in content creation, resulting in better brand recognition in the market and a feeling of familiarity and reliability for your customers. 

Think legal 

Are your audience consumers in the UK or EU? If so, you have a legal obligation to comply with GB or EU Health and Nutrition Claims legislation. This applies to all consumer-facing content, including written articles, lead generations and website copy. 

HRS offers an all-encompassing GB and EU Nutrition and Health Claims Regulatory ‘MOT’ Service. We can review your current positioning, check compliance, identify new claims opportunities, and support you through the claims process. 

Click here to learn more about this service. 

Quality control 

Having a rigorous quality control process in place for your nutrition copy is essential. Quality control should focus not only on identifying small mistakes like typos and broken hyperlinks. It’s important that nutrition and health copy goes through some form of regulatory sign-off – whether internally or using an external agency like HRS. 

The quality control reviewer will fact check copy, ensuring it is evidence-based, fully referenced, and in line with brand messaging. Having this process in place means you can be assured that the content your brand puts out is accurate and credible. 

If you found this article interesting, or would like any more information about HRS Communications and the services we provide, please contact us at 

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We are a highly skilled team of individuals from diverse marketing, communication, and healthcare backgrounds. This allows us to truly offer your business a full-service approach for all your nutrition and medical communications needs.

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