HRS share their regulatory affairs expertise!

11th August 2022
Written by HRS Communications

One of our core service offerings at HRS is regulatory affairs support. We are delighted to be sharing our expertise with students and food brands alike by providing training sessions focused on regulatory affairs. Robust regulation protects the rights, safety, and health of consumers and ensures the safe marketing of foods, drinks and food supplements to consumers. 

Regulatory affairs experts play a critical role in ensuring regulatory compliance for defined projects and brands, including new and existing products, packaging and consumer communications. HRS’ in-house experts support innovation, reformulation and new product development; they review product ideations, formulas, raw material compliance, and claims and label development. They often work closely with sales and marketing colleagues on consumer communications. For more information regarding nutrition and health claims, read one of our previous blogs written by Dr Kathryn O’Sullivan here

What the training involves 

The training we provide focuses on consumer communications in the UK, EU and USA. It covers topics such as nutrition, health, and botanical claims legislation as well as copywriting considerations for food, drink, and supplement brands. 

Student education 

HRS are passionate about helping students to expand their awareness of consumer communications through sharing their expert knowledge. For HRS, it’s about giving back and empowering a future generation of nutritionists, dietitians, and food scientists. Training sessions are three-hour long interactive masterclasses that introduce nutrition, health, and botanical claims legislation as well as considerations for nutrition communications with consumers. All sessions include a variety of interactive activities with opportunities for feedback from our regulatory affairs experts. 

In the past year, we have lectured to nutrition and dietetics students at King’s College London, University College London, Plymouth University and Newcastle University. 

Regulatory affairs is an important topic for nutrition and dietetic students to study. Having an awareness of the legislation and industry best-practices and keeping track of the ever-changing legislation means students are better placed to work in the food and nutrition industry. 

Training for food and drink brands 

In addition to working with students, we are delighted to have had the opportunity to work with food and drink brands. Our founder Harriet Smith and head of regulatory affairs Dr Kathryn O’Sullivan run regular masterclasses for Food Matters Live and have recently delivered in-house training sessions for Twinings and Olam Food Ingredients (OFI). It is of the utmost importance that food and drink brands understand legalisation to ensure that consumers are not misled by untruthful claims. 

“The masterclass from Harriet and Kathryn was very insightful and more technical than I had anticipated! The expert insights they shared will be very useful for our team. Their friendly, clear delivery made sure the complex content was easily understandable and the presentation was delivered at an engaging, easy-to-digest pace.” 

Holly Whitefoord, Business Development Manager, Pemberton & Whitefoord design consults 

The training sessions provided thus far have been well received. We look forward to providing more training sessions to both universities and food and drink brands in the future. 

If your brand would benefit from this training, then please do not hesitate to get in touch

Our people

We are a highly skilled team of individuals from diverse marketing, communication, and healthcare backgrounds. This allows us to truly offer your business a full-service approach for all your nutrition and medical communications needs.

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